Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Results and Conclusion of the Questionnaires

I asked 5 college students to complete my questionnaire. The results i got back are similar in a way to some students prefer to shopping in cheaper shops like Primark to expensive shops like Debenhams. Also i found out that the moderate of students don't have any religious beliefs and that the students think that the government is rubbish. Also looking at the questionnaires, the students prefer to be themselves instead of copying an idol of theirs. They would donate to a charity, and they see themselves in a good paid job in about 10 years time. Also the students would like to see more music in the college magazine like local bands, also one student wrote down student views. The moderate of the students want to go to university. There is a mixed opinion on what party the student would vote for; one student wrote down none. Most of the students circled more than one music genre shows that they like different types of music, instead of one. The students during their spare time like to relax by watching TV, listening to music, playing games, one student is self teaching herself Japanese and playing guitar.

The magazine from the information i received would apply more to working class to middle class people because it relates more to them with music, careers and interests. Social grades- C2 and above.

So the conclusion that i have drawn up is that the college students like the college magazines to contain more stuff which they can relate to with music, university, and possibly television like recommended films to watch and student views about college.

1 comment:

  1. Useful points...but why did you choose the questions you did? Did they fit with the theories we looked at? Did you find out what social grade the audience were?
